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------ Next walk - Sunday 16th February - Ripon to Ripley ------

Doncaster walking clubs.
Doncaster Wayfarers is a friendly and welcoming walking club for all ages and abilities.

We do an A walk (10 miles), and a B walk (6 miles). We request that walkers wear suitable footwear and carry waterproofs if required. We carry a packed lunch and at the end of the walks enjoy a pint or a cup of tea before catching the coach home.

The coach picks up at various points between 7.20am & 8am (Rossington, Cantley, Armthorpe, DRI & Waterdale) and leaves Waterdale at 8am. The coach returns to Waterdale at approximately 5pm/6pm.

The fare for each walk is £13 Members & £15 Non-members, (Under 18's half price.)

Annual membership £16

Booking for each walk is essential.


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Our next club walk will be on
Sunday 16th February -
Ripon to Ripley

Our next club meeting will take place on Wednesday 19th February at The Hallcross Pub, Doncaster at 7pm.

All club members and new walkers are welcome to attend.

The club is currently taking new members.

Please email [email protected]
or ring 07732 194539 if you would like to join us for a walk or would like more information.

Good News

You can now find us on Facebook.
If you want to view our open to everyone FaceBook page just click the link below.
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For your information:
This website was last updated on 01/02/2025.
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